Foundational Level: Introduction and Putting Air in the Bag
Introduce students to the core concepts and foundational techniques of equine tensegrity balancing therapy.
Concepts: Fascia, embryology, cortical smudging, somatic sensory integration.Biomechanics: Understanding motion as it pertains to the horse.
Techniques: Treating fascia, addressing dysfunctional patterns, balancing the nervous system.
Skills: Identifying and understanding the larger picture of the equine body.
Basic proficiency in foundational techniques.Understanding of key theoretical concepts. Ability to identify and address primary dysfunctional patterns.
In the Bag - snags,Slings and Central Proprioceptive Pillar
Develop deeper understanding and skills in identifying and releasing restrictions that prevent optimal body function as a result of proprioceptive failure. an introduction to cranial sacral therapy and neural manipulation with a focus on snags in the bag.
Slings: Function and relationship in proprioception and balance.
Central stack Awareness: Helping horses find a vestibular central column of proprioception.common areas that hold back the entire body snags in the bag.
Biomechanics: Facilitating locomotion through central stability.
Techniques: Identifying sticky places that restrict movement. Establishing central stack balance. Oscillation through stability across the midline.
Advanced techniques in proprioception and balance.Ability to improve locomotion by addressing central stability. Enhanced understanding of the nervous system’s role in movement. The ability to palpate the craniosacral rhythm and understand foundational concepts.
At this point in the curriculum, students will be required to demonstrate proficiency through an assessment process in order to move onto level three.
Level three is not a guaranteed continuation for students that are not ready and do not have a solid enough grasp of the foundational concepts of this modality.
The CranioSacral System
Incorporate cranial-sacral concepts into tensegrity balancing therapy, focusing on the central nervous system. CST is part of the treatment methodology but the main focus of using it is to restore tensegrity in the cranial vault floor and the soft tissue of the central nervous system.
Cranial Vault: Anatomy and function.Dural Tube: Flossing techniques. Fluid Pressure: Restoring balance to the central nervous system. Tensegrity of the cranial vault and central nervous system osseous and viscus.
Techniques:Treating the cranial-sacral system.Balancing fluid pressures.Addressing dysfunctional patterns originating from the cranial vault floor .
Proficiency in cranial-sacral techniques. Improved understanding of central nervous system functions. Ability to influence fluid pressures and address related dysfunctions.
Students will need to demonstrate proficiency in incorporating cranial sacral concepts with foundational concepts through an assessment. This will be done via a video assessment where students will showcase their critical thinking and tool selection skills, correlating with the horse's assessment and body struggles.
Neural and Visceral Interference
Understand and treat the influence of organs and the nervous system on the musculoskeletal body.
Organ Influence: Impact on the musculoskeletal system. Entrapped Nerves: Identification and release techniques. Functional Testing: Identifying dysfunctional organs and nerves.
Techniques: Assessing and treating head shakers.Identifying issues in lungs, spleen, liver, and other organs. Understanding central nerve impacts.
Ability to treat visceral and neural dysfunctions. Comprehensive understanding of organ and nerve interactions. Skill in specific assessment and treatment methods.
Integration and Advanced Applications
Integrate all learned concepts and techniques, and prepare for advanced therapeutic situations.
Bridge Testing: Structures, organs, nerves. Triage and Treatment Planning: Efficient and powerful approaches.
Advanced Scenarios: Events, races, foals, neurological cases.
Techniques: Comprehensive assessment and treatment integration. Specialized treatment for advanced cases.
Mastery of integrated techniques.Ability to handle advanced and complex cases.Readiness to function independently as a practitioner.
Final Testing:Comprehensive evaluation of skills and knowledge.Transition from student to peer in the field.
For certified practitioners only.
The information in the classroom is vast and traverses many facets, disciplines, and scientific considerations. To make learning more efficient and to ensure students have a foundational grasp of these concepts prior to attending class, I have created a reading list for each level. This will help streamline class learning and allow all students to start from the same point.
Please review these recommended books and make an effort to familiarize yourself with the information in them. By doing so, you will be well-prepared and on an even starting level with the rest of the students when you arrive in class.
ABC of the horse atlas by Pauli Gronberg, anatomy of the horse by Klus- Dieter BUdras , fascia what is it and why it matters by David Lesondak, the vital glutes by John Gibbons, Somatic by Thomas Hanna
Muscles and meridians by Phillip Beach , human anatomy and physiology by Elaine N Marie’s & Katharine Hoehn, cranioSacral therapy what is it how it works by John E Upledger
Craniosacral therapy by John E Upledger D.O. jon D Vredevoogd MFA, cranial sacral therapy 2 Beyond the dura by John E Upleadger
Basic clinical neuroscience by Paul A Young, Paul H Young, Daniel L Tolbert, veterinary neuroanatomy and clinical neurology by DE Lahunta Glass Kent, visceral manipulation 1 & 2 by Jean Pierre Barral & PierreMercier, the master and his emissary by Iain McGilchrist
The biodynamics of the immune system by Michael J Shea PhD , the body electric by Robert O Becker MD and Gary Selden, Skeletal function and form by Dennis R carter and Gary s Beaupre
Muscle testing and function with posture and pain by Florence Peterson Kendall, Elizabeth Kendall McCreary, Patricia Geise Provance, Mary McIntyer Rodgers and William Anthony Romani.
The spinal engine by Serge Gracovetsky
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